There are many different hair removal methods you can choose from:
- waxing
- laser
- sugaring
- threading
- etc.
When we choose one of these to specialize in, we tend to pinpoint our focus and sort of disregard the others.
When you pinpoint your focus and only know one specific method of hair removal, and not so much about hair removal in general, are you really doing your clients a disservice?
Here are a few key points about hair removal you should know as an esthetician:
It’s an unreasonable expectation for our clients to expect a change with their hair growth and the thickness of their hair in less than a year. Especially if this is their first round of hair removal where the hair is being pulled directly from the root.
You need to understand the basics of every way to remove hair.
If the above is true for your facial hair, you have two options: lasering or sugaring.
Lasering can increase hyper-pigmentation.
Sugaring will give you the results you want, but you have to find someone who does it very well. It would take about 2 times to see your hair change in growth rate or thickness.
After you receive a treatment to remove hair on your private areas, you should not go to the gym, go in a hot tub, go in the ocean, or engage in any sexual activity for 24-48 hours.
Knowledge allows you to advise your clients, whether they take it or not is up to them.