I gave away FREE BRAZILIAN WAXES to become a better brazilian waxer and esthetician for 1-year in the beginning of my esthetic career. You are probably trying to understand my reasoning for this and its very simple, I needed to practice my craft without money being an issue. When you are offering a FREE waxing service, it allows you to focus on the actual service and technique.
If you can remember back to your early beauty school days, we were taught in an environment that did not revolve around money. It was a “pressure-free” atmosphere that allowed you to make errors and learn from them. Once you graduated and passed your state board test, the “pressure” to offer a perfect waxing service to a paying client is a foreign concept to brand new estheticians.
I struggled with the idea of offering a service that I just didn’t want to do. I attend a live brazilian waxing training, I watched dvd’s and I still just didn’t want to do them. My very 1st brazilian wax client changed my entire outlook on the service and technique of brazilian waxing. Even though the entire service was 90 minutes long, it forced me to do something new and add another profitable stream of income.
For 1 year, I offered ” Free Brazilian Fridays” to new waxing clients so that I could practice my brazilian waxing technique and timing. One Friday a month for 4 hours, I would book myself 20 minute appointments and only accept new clients by advertising on Craigslist. This changed my entire outlook on the brazilian wax service and how I could focus and train myself to become a better esthetician. My timing had to be exactly 20 minutes, I had to explain the service to my new client and I had to learn how to explain why my client needed to rebook for the following month.
By placing myself in a training environment in my business, made me become a better esthetician. I learned how to work under a time limit, I was able to see many different hair types and textures and use different brazilian waxing positions to see which one worked for me. My confidence in myself increased and my regular clients saw my confidence my waxing service.
Looking back now, 10 years later I would have not have changed anything I did. All of the mistakes, mishaps and struggles I went though shaped me to become who I am today!
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